Tenley currently weighs 1 pound 8 ounces! She's grown nearly a pound in 4 weeks. Hard to imagine in 10+ weeks she'll be around 6-7 pounds! Everything measured normal/perfect in the ultrasound and mommy is "perfect" also... who would have second guessed that haha! She was still face down for the ultrasound so they were unable to get a picture of the nose bone. But we have no worries because there is really nothing to worry about! She's just being stubborn like her parents ;)
Not a whole lot going on other than that. We officially own a stroller! And let me tell you, putting those things together is not an easy task! It was so rough that Hunter spent the rest of the evening puking over the toilet! Ok, he swears it was something he ate... but I think it was his nerves because putting together the stroller is making this whole baby thing more real ;)
We are still addicted to pickleball and I have been playing 2-3 times a week. I sure hope I can continue to do so until she makes her arrival! It's such great exercise and soooo much fun!
Well, that's about all for now!
Love the video!