We have our 24 week checkup next week and I'm excited about that. We get to have another ultrasound (long story short, they weren't able to get a good picture of her nose bone last time because she was covering it with her hands, so they want to get a look at it to make sure everything is a-ok). At my last visit I had only gained 6 pounds. I think I've gained a few more since then but nothing major.
I've been increasingly tired over the past couple of weeks. I think it's because we've been playing pickleball like crazy. Last week we played 3 days! It's really great exercise, and I find myself sleeping so much better at night. But I'm still so gosh darn tired in the mornings! I guess it's God's way of preparing me for what's to come in a couple of months ;)
This week/end we were finally able to finish a few projects in the nursery. My mom came over and helped me stain & polyurethane my dad's old pine chest of drawers. We stained it to match the changing table and it turned out really good! We also hung our custom artwork above it and arranged all of the main furniture pieces. Everything is really starting to come together. Now I'm just waiting on the custom crib bedding to come in. Hopefully within the next month!
Picture time!
Hey girl!!! Looks like things are coming along with the nursery! :) I've been following your blog, and I couldn't be happier for you.