So this year I'm just setting a goal for myself, along with a few friends of mine. The goal is "couch to 5k." After my friend Theresa's gives birth to baby Ethan in March, we are going to seriously start training ourselves to run a 5k. I've somewhat run one before... the Dirty Diva back in October... but I walked through most of it and it took me a little over 40 minutes to run 3.1 miles! Granted, there were obstacles, and a torrential downpour... it was pathetic. So, we have set a goal of 30 minutes! We just feel like if the Biggest Loser contestants can run a 26 mile marathon... why can't we run a 5k in 30 minutes?
I've already started on my goal. Nothing hard core right now, just bumping up my cardio with Walk Away the Pounds and I will also be doing some of the p90x workouts. Last night Hunter and I did p90x Yoga. It was intense! He nearly finished the full hour, but I quit less than halfway through. It was virtually impossible since I have rods in my back. :( Tonight I will try the Ab Ripper... though I'm not sure how that will work since I'm technically not supposed to do situps!
With all of that aside... I decided what better way to make me want to pursue my goal other than posting some before pictures? Every time I will look at these pictures and remember how I don't want to be that girl any more.
So without further adue... here I am in all my out-of-shape and crooked-as-can-be glory: (PS I know I'm not fat by any means, but I am completely out of shape and would like to tone up!)

Now you have seen me in ALL my glory... or lack there of ha!
Another goal, for me and Hunter, is to eat healthier. We (or maybe it's just me) are trying to cut out carbonated drinks. I normally have one coke a day, which is totally ok to have. If anything, one coke a day does not make someone fat! I would love to completely cut out caffiene and carbonated drinks. It's just so hard to go through a work day with no caffiene LOL! I need that perk at lunch time! I am also trying to cut out fried foods. The only thing I ever really fry at home is okra. At least it's a vegetable, right?
Becoming a healthier person is not just about dieting or exercise. It's got to be a combination of both. I don't think anyone has to drastically change their diet if they are truly committing to exercising. It's ok to have "bad foods" in moderation! I could never deprive my Italian roots of all that bread and pasta ;) I'll just have to work harder in the gym to work those carbs off ;)
Well, in order to keep up with my goals... I am also going to set a goal of posting photos of myself each month. Same outfit and everything (maybe I'll work on the hairdo and makeup this time). I can't wait to see my progress throughout this year!
You're nuts. And what is a MIL? Is that like MILF, without the F? That's retarded...Thanks for the entertainment.
ReplyDeletehahaha jordyn! MIL stands for Mother-In-Law hahaha! Glad you like my entertainment and thanks for showing my blog some lovins!