I've been feeling fine. I really have no complaints at all. Ok... maybe a few. My back is killing me. I'm back in therapy for the same muscle/ligament inflamation along my spine that I was in therapy for last year. It really stinks because we haven't been able to figure out a way for me to stretch this muscle. It's just in a hard spot, attached to my rods and spine. And of course this bump on my stomach doesn't make it any easier!
I joined the YMCA two weeks ago and I've been going to a water aerobics class once or twice a week. I really love it! Who cares that I'm the youngest person by... 20 years... there hahaha! Hunter and I also recently started playing pickleball. What is that, you might be wondering? It's only the most fun game ever invented! http://www.pickleball.com. We currently play every Monday night at Lovett Road park in Central. You should come check it out! They also play on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Plank Road Park in Zachary.
This weekend we were able to get a lot of work done in the nursery. Hunter's mom and I went shopping for a glider/ottoman. We found one at Cullen's that didn't break the pocketbook. Actually, it didn't break ours at all because it was their gift to us ;) Awesome! After that I went to a baby shower for a friend. She is having a boy in September. Can't wait to meet him! Everything about the shower was really nice and it gave me a bunch of ideas for Tenley's hehe!
Saturday we spent the evening hanging out with the Chapmans and Stephensons. I got to feed and help bathe "little" Ethan. He just made 5 months and is already over 20 pounds. He's a moose! But a cute moose ;)
Sunday we spent most of the day on the nursery. We went to Home Depot to find all of the materials needed to make a 6 cube bookshelf for the nursery. I got the plans from Knock-Off Wood. You can thank me for that link later. That site is just awesome! We were hoping to go the paint-grade, MDF route... but the MDF at Home Depot was pre-primed and turned out to be more expensive than pine. So, all in all, we spend around $90 in materials. A little more then what I envisioned, but still beat the $249 price tag on the original.
While Hunter got started on the bookcase, Theresa, Robin, and I got started on rearranging furniture and hanging Tenley's decal. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy! Once we finally figured out the "trick" to peeling off the background paper, we were on a roll. I really love how it turned out!
And here is the hired help ;)
What you can't exactly see in the pictures is a small tear, and a bunch of paint peeled off the wall LOL! Stupid tape....
After that I helped Hunter figure out the instructions for the bookshelf and we were on a roll! I am so excited with how it turned out. It was our first time building anything. I think I may be addicted now!
We have our 20 week ultrasound and check up on Wednesday. I sure hope she's still a girl LOL! This weekend I'm driving up to Shreveport with a friend to visit the Stephensons. Seems like we just can't get enough of one another haha. Then 2 weeks after that Hunter and I are making a trip to Olive Branch, MS to visit the Greens. I can't wait!!!
I LOVE Tenley's name thing over the changing table!! That is SOO precious, and so different!