I think his tractor's sexy...
Walk like an egyptian...
Riverslit spread around the carport and front of the house...
Clay around driveway/culvert...
Eventually, we hope to plant some sod! I haven't decided what kind of grass I want. I LOVE St. Augustine... but it's also one of the pricier sods.
It is widely adapted to the humid Deep South. It is so popular because its stoloniferous growth is thick and tolerates a wide range of soil and environmental conditions as well as retaining some winter color better than any other warm-season grass
Another turfgrass option is Centipede.
It is called the “lazy man’s grass” because it thrives with less care and usually requires less mowing than many other grasses.
Did I mention how much I love working for the AgCenter because I can just walk right over to horticulturist and he has the answers to all my questions?
I have a few DIY projects that are next on my list of things to do when I'm not swamped with photography stuff....
First up is a picnic table! We had a good bit of treated decking boards left over from the front porch, so I am going to use those to make a rather large picnic table. I can't wait!

DIY Reclaimed Wood Headboard: Don't tell Hunter, but I think I've axed the plans for my DIY old panel door converted to headboard and opted for this instead. GORGEOUS!

Clip Art Rails for the studio. How freaking cute is that?
Check back soon for {hopefully} progress on all the yard work!
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